NECA Northeastern Illinois Chapter – Regent Level Member
ELECTRI International – As the initial contributing Chapter to the Foundation, the Northeastern Illinois Chapter has played a leading role in the advancement of Electri International. The Foundation for Electrical Construction Inc. has a clear focus. It funds, conducts, coordinates, and monitors the industry's most critical research and commissions and delivers to the industry exemplary management education and supervisory training programs.
ELECTRI International was established in 1989 by the National Electrical Contractors Association, the voice of the $130 billion industry responsible for lighting, power, and communication systems in buildings and communities across the United States. In partnership with NECA, ELECTRI International works to help electrical contractors meet today's demands and tomorrow's challenges.
ELECTRI Council members analyze industry trends and issues, review project proposals submitted by the finest universities and research institutes, recommend major initiatives for project funding, and serve on appropriate blue-ribbon Task Forces to guide each commissioned project from start to finish. The Task Force members' insight and experience help make certain that the initiatives funded are of the highest quality and that the results are made available to every member of the electrical contracting industry.